Saturday, March 24, 2012


Seeing one's face in a mirror after a win is intoxicating. It's more self-gratifying than any other high I know. It's one's own private Nobel moment, done with a quick exchange of beatific smiles, a slight raising of the eyebrows ending with bows of acknowledgement.

The opposite, i.e., seeing one's face while in a low is deeply depressing. It's like some heart-shattering revelation, like learning life's lesson in a flash, like compressing years into a second, years wasted! A second that says you were wrong, you stooped and how hopelessly irreversible the result has been. And as Henry Derozio described, '...groveling in the lowly dust art thou!'

Other times, not so broken under the weight of your remorse, a mirror can show you a path to redemption, salvation, even the road to a future win. But mirror there must be. I have experienced this. I am sure most of you have. Those who haven't, must try it.

This what I speak of is only for those who have won and have lost. Those who have neither, live ordinarily busy lives on 365 ordinary days, every year of their life. They consider mirrors mundane and sometimes vain. And rightly so. They don't know winning from losing while they drift with the tide.